April 19, 2009


The whole story started with the medical visit of a young Chinese to get his eyes checked. The problem was that Nong Youhui’s father noticed that his son's bright blue eyes glowed in the dark as if they were lanterns. "The Sun" diary informs that the medics, whose hospital is located in Dahua, China, discovered that the kid has the ability to see in the darkness. Experts believe he was born with a very strange condition called “leukodermia”, which has left his eyes with less protective pigment and more sensitive to the light, even though he can see as clearly as any other person in daylight.
According to the medical test done to Nong Youhui, they were able to determine that the kid can read without difficulty in complete darkness. He can see so clearly as if it was daylight. By the other side, Nong Youhui is already nicknamed Cat-Boy. His father only had to say that some time ago the medics told him his son eye’s would stop glowing eventually and would turn black, but this never happened.

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